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We Love Quotes

On Quotes Making a quote is a combination of the economy of just the right words and subject.   “A stitch in time saves nine,” is a classic for brevity, accuracy, and memorability.   Another is, “You will never win if you don’t begin” by Helen Rowland.   From Confucius we are instructed, “ Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” But is it really?   “To the victor go the spoils,” is so famous with so many variations, its original author has been forgotten*. Often quotes have a vague tone allowing for multiple interpretations, at least one resonating with the reader. Many are optimistic while others are cautionary.   Some of the favorites are “end-of-the-day” types where it seems life is speaking to you from afar. Below are a few variations on the same theme of the sweet life not being what it seemed .   You believe you’ve found the sweet spot of living only to find it candy-coated misery. Just when you’ve found the sweet spot, you discover it’s