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Showing posts with the label diversity

When Diversity Fails

We talk about diversity in STEM education when what we want are the best people possible to pursue STEM.  In fact, diversity enhancement for specialized tasks can never work. Money notwithstanding, It is not possible to stimulate excellence to those uninclined to be inclined toward an unpreferred/undesired/uninteresting pathway. Pouring on the cash simply fails. In STEM especially, we need, desperately need, excellence. Politically correct STEM is without merit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Much of the country lives in some kind of panic mode, and if they have nothing going on they panic about that. The latest entry to the NY stock exchange is Luckin Coffee, a Chinese firm    Golly gee, Luckin is but a single letter from a horrific nickname. An interesting fact about traffic jams worldwide... If you've experienced one in Country A, it is much the same in...

Washington and Lincoln

Paths to Greatness Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, two of our greatest politicians and leaders, share many qualities, though were vastly different in personality, temperament, and background. What makes one great seem to have quite a number of osculations, while others aspects seem relatively unimportant. We look at only a few. Touch Points. Both were surveyors in their younger days. This illustrates a considerable facility with basic math. Both were presidents, often ranked #1 and #2 for their impact and excellence. Both prosecuted long and costly wars for the higher social goals of political and social liberation. Both took terrific risks to achieve their goals, Washington as a battlefield commander; Lincoln as a commander in chief. Both wars are landmarks of American history. Both dealt successfully with conspiring subordinates seeking power, militarily and politically. Both understood fully the importance of the political nature of war as the sister ...