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Showing posts with the label activist

Tips for the Anarchist.

In these days of unrest, we see the rise of anarchist or anarchist activities encouraging widespread, activist, and even violent protest.   Anarchy is easy.    Just maintain your hate level, do some plotting, create some trouble, regroup and plot for the next time.   Be that as it may, history has shown us that anarchy is a risky behavior, mostly destructive, and seldom with desired outcomes.     So, in a graphic way, we offer a few tips... Never throw shit into the fan… For the pleasure of seeing it fly. With the expectation of where it will land. With the hope of controlling the spray. Thinking you will not be touched. Expecting adjulation for a job well done. To identify new recruits. Demanding someone else clean up the mess. 

Trump and Obama - twins having different mothers

Dangerous Quotes – the talking points of our world. Many if not most Americans are moved by quotes, in fact simple quotes.   Here are three that may resonate. What’s good for General Motors is good for the country. Power to the people. In God’s name … (fill it in) Today we consider a quote from Cervantes’ Don Quixote . “ When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical is madness. To surrender dreams — this may be madness. Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!”   Persuasive? Yes.   Articulate? Yes. Simple? Yes. Accurate?   Well, maybe but…   It is completely open ended, without any indication of what “should be”   should be.   It leaves to the reader the full imagination of possible worlds that could be.   It is attractive to a spectrum of opinion.   The most ardent Nazi and most dedicated Communist can both rally around. This is one problem today in the USA and