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Showing posts with the label Iran

New Golden Rule

Any agency that steals from one constituency will certainly steal from another. Stealing knows little restraint, principles, or morality. Theft is a way of life. While China steals IP from US firms, they also steal IP from each other. When Iran steals lives from other countries, they will steal lives in their own country. Moral: Beware   of the base philosophy   of all regimes.   All believe in the “tarnished” golden rule:  Do unto your kin what you do to others. --------------------------------------- +++ --------------------------------------------- The newest camera makers  advertise  they offer telephoto lenses so long they can focus into the future. :)

Bad Boys, Bitcoin, and Bologna

BAD BOYS What do the following have in common? NOKO’s Kim Jong Un and missiles Communists and Socialists China’s government Iranian Religious Dictators Russia’s Vladimir Putin Answer: All want pure power; all want material benefits; all want unlimited hegemony over their opponents. All are inclined toward violence and murder to get it.   It seems the world’s bad boys all want the same thing. BITCOIN Have you been watching the price fluctuations lately?   The price, currently about $7,000 per coin, has been going up then down, then up, usually in the 5-15% range. It happens almost monthly.   But when you consider so very few investors control so much of the total product, it is impossible to ignore that a few may be controlling the price, buying on the dip, selling on the peak.   And knowing all along when the peak or trough has been reached.   Under these guidelines , I am not ready to invest in this very possibly unfair game. BOLOGNA ...