Why is having hard conversations about the truth a good thing? Hard discussions about truth have many values. To me, the most important is for all to become aware of its tricky nature. It is posited as the last word on a subject, the finality we must accept. Finality is the keyword. In this way, it is used to silence further discussion. "Truth" is used by all instructors, clergymen, politicians, and your friends - all the time. All promote their own views or truths. Hard discussions allow us to understand this, and not be so easily swept up into the truths of others, and not to be conflicted by moronic conversations about truth vs belief. You can have principles , such as “love thy neighbor,” or “theory A is it.” You can live by commandments , such as “Thou shall not kill.” It is always best to understand the differences between these and actual truth. Truth is ethereal, and that’s the truth. 😊 Nonetheless, we all want truth. We crave tr...
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