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Showing posts with the label Bond movies

Trump Family Dinner

I would love to sit at a Trump family dinner.  We have from daughters to daughters-in-law, from sons to sons-in-law, all claiming expertise at everything, while having created their own news headlines.  I fear a lot of indigestion must result, while the whole crew retires to the “drawing room” for a break.   The President is thinking ahead of getting back to the office where only world problems, NOKO, Russia, China, Democrat issues, and Republicans controversies await.  A moment of relief this surely provides. -------------------------- I do not support public figures or anyone accused of these sexual molestation charges, but most of those charged were doing not too much less (except for assault) than what the vaunted James Bond was doing in the sixties and seventies. Just watch the movies Thunderball or Goldfinger , and you will see our super-spy doing even more than Franken is accused of – kissing, hugging, intimidating women.  At the time, this was cool; this was humor