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Showing posts with the label Kim jong un

Bad Boys, Bitcoin, and Bologna

BAD BOYS What do the following have in common? NOKO’s Kim Jong Un and missiles Communists and Socialists China’s government Iranian Religious Dictators Russia’s Vladimir Putin Answer: All want pure power; all want material benefits; all want unlimited hegemony over their opponents. All are inclined toward violence and murder to get it.   It seems the world’s bad boys all want the same thing. BITCOIN Have you been watching the price fluctuations lately?   The price, currently about $7,000 per coin, has been going up then down, then up, usually in the 5-15% range. It happens almost monthly.   But when you consider so very few investors control so much of the total product, it is impossible to ignore that a few may be controlling the price, buying on the dip, selling on the peak.   And knowing all along when the peak or trough has been reached.   Under these guidelines , I am not ready to invest in this very possibly unfair game. BOLOGNA ...

Kim Jong Un in Singapore

Next week someone frightfully rich will check into the same hotel room as Kim is now and will pee into the same toilet.  Pictures will be taken and sent to friends worldwide.  Such celebrity, I cannot imagine.  Sharing a toilet is big! This leads us to a fundamental question.  Who's toilet would be your favorite in which to pee?

Kim Jong Un Forever?

Why will North Korea’s strong man dictator Kim Jong Un will never permit any sort of coorperation with South Korea or inspection of his country by outsiders? It's all about the consequences of exposure.  Many of his sins are hidden because of total news blackouts.  His master state, China, may be aware of many of his sins, but for them it becomes a conviction by proxy should the sins become known. Thus Kim is indirectly protected.  Both China and Russia (thought to be Kim’s supplier of rocket engines) are aware and dread the day Kim is exposed.  Such is Kim’s buffer. Kim’s sins and secrets: Nuclear weapons – the open sin Offensive ICBM and other missiles – the delivery vehicles of choice Weapons export – to Iran and elsewhere Radiological contamination – almost a certain consequence of nuclear testing* Biological testing – e.g. possible Anthrax experimentation* Slavery – export of his own to forced labor in China and other countries Torture – of pr...

Random Thoughts -15

A rule of life is, or should be, " Use what you got to get there ." The “got” includes good looks, strength, money, talent, inheritance, intelligence, and more.  The “there” is your goal.  What happens when you haven't got much is you make things up. You lie.  Sadly, it does work more often than we wish.  Especially in politics. And loosely connected... Mouth vs. Brain .  Many people are born with a mouth but not a brain.  Such are often attracted to politics and the media.  Similar are those with “style” but no talent.  Basically, the brain hears the mouth and forms its views.  Sounds like reverse and contradictory logic?  Nope.  ---------------   The class clown.   What does he/she want?  Recognition, notoriety, and position.  This is NOKO’s Kim Jong Un within the league of all nations.  This is why he may never give up his nukes, even to save his country.  He views himself ...

Aging is Back

In our youth-obsessed culture, a paradox is all around us.   Namely, b oth political parties seem embedded with aging and tired players who refuse to give up their places on the center stage of American politics.  They seem not recognize the world is changing - has changed - around them. They hearken back to younger days when they learned their craft, often causing more damage than good. These include Clinton, Pelosi, McCain, Mitchell, Sanders, and others. All have big influence in that whatever they say is widely carried by news outlets. This, in turn, fuels the pundits with days of moronic commentary.  You pick the channel. Technically, we call this a feedback loop. On this note: Have you ever noted the background persons in NOKO Kim Jong Un’s public appearances?  All, almost without exception, seem to be aging generals and admirals. I guess Kim likes people around him that could or likely would not be competitors. This is not prejudice against th...

North Korea - no worry.

North Korea, NOKO? No worry!  Even the most casual observer will not believe the independent NOKO advance in rocketry to be so unbelievably quick.  Their latest ICBM launch featured a rocket with a look rather similar to a Chinese version.  This suggests China is helping their “bad boy” above the 38 th parallel. But the West persists on focusing on NOKO.  So, NOKO can sell technology to Iran, with China sitting peacefully on the sidelines.  So, China can build military islands in the South China Sea and nobody worries or hardly reports.  So, Kim jung un can play the role of power master.  It is a good bet that China has embedded players in Kim’s inner circle who could act upon command.  Kim asserts and amuses himself by destroying enemies from time-to-time. China is in fact the true key to NOKO.  That oft-described fear of China of being invaded by millions of NOKO refugees is ludicrous.  With no press reporting anything, ...