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The End of Computing

The End of Computing.   We put forth the question as to the end of computing.   That is, we ask when will computing and computers come to their end of innovative applications, though this is not a discussion about bigger and faster machines.   Sure, bigger, faster computers can and will push to new limits ordinary and well explored topics.    They have this, and will so continue.   We are entered into a discussion about the use of computers to solve new, even revolutionary, problems   of this world.  Examples of innovations now at the end of their road .   Of course, these examples may simply reveal this author’s lack of futuristic insights.  ·          Watch making – long the epitome of machines, the watch is now engineered with precision and at least mechanically do just about everything ever desired – extremely accurate time keeping.   Even still there has evolved a new technology for this task. ·            The horizontal milling machine - Just about everything a m