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Showing posts with the label GITMO detainees
There is a problem in Kentucky. There is a problem in San Francisco. There is a problem in GITMO, the Guantanamo Bay facility, housing Islamic terrorists.  For the first, a county clerk refuses to issue marriage licenses to gays. She faces a judge on a contempt of court citation, and with that possible jail time.  For the second, illegals are being released even if they are felons. It seems clear that sanctuary city San Francisco citizens are more far tolerant of criminals than most other cities.  For the third, there is the question of what to do with inmates under the Administration desire to close the GITMO facility. So, we have the situation where a person acting on conscious and harming no one faces the full force of the law including jail, where wanted felons are released from custody as a matter of city policy, and where we do have dangerous people needing housing - but not in Cuba. Resolutions: The poor woman in Kentucky is toast, done in by the law...