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Showing posts with the label dictatorship

All Is Politics

All of life is political. • Tribalism is the local form of politics. • Dictatorship is the smelly form of politics. • Kingship is the absolute form of politics. • Communism is the destructive form of politics. • Socialism is the nosiy form of politics. • Capitalism is the economic form of politics. • Democracy is the messy* form of politics. *You may like it; I may like it. Yet is is so difficult, so messy, and so easy to attack.

Random Thoughts 16

Success involving good luck comes in equal measure to failure involving bad luck.  Sounds true, but is  it really? He had the wisdom of experience, not of intelligence.   Sounds true, but can it be really? Which is the more powerful motivator.:   Ambition or Politics? Politics or Power? Reward or Position? Action or Reticence? Beliefs or Money? Money or Power? Fame or Power? Answer.  Yes to all of them.  This is what make us so complex.  There is no simple order of priority. Mathematically, we not not ordered or even partially ordered.  Our motivations are not at all ordered much beyond ordering life or death. Even that has issues. To govern by regulations is just another form of dictatorship.