One thing you may have noticed is that once you look online for something, almost anything, the story does not end with the search. In fact the story does not end at all. Search for anything on eBay or perhaps Amazon, and they know and remember. Whether though cookies or login data, they know you are interested. Their big data enterprise keeps a careful track of every click you make. While you sleep, their servers stay awake making calculations and correlations of what could titillate your interests. A few months ago, I looked on one of these sites for tiny cameras. I even bought one for about eight bucks. Didn't work well. Since that time I've received dozens of promotions from that same site for other such devices. There seems no end of it. The other day I searched online for the Harvard Classics, a set of 51 volumes of world literature. Two days later, I found an add for the same on my Facebook page. This is one big ...
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