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Hillary and Bernie

Both Sanders and Clinton have promoted several new programs from free college tuition to health care for all illegal immigrants.  Some sound good.  Some believe the time has come for such government benefits, services, or beneficence, or whatever you want to call them.   Yet both agree there must be a pathway to funding such really expensive programs. Both believe we should tax the filthy rich, and who's not for them paying more.  After all, their proportional wealth has increased dramatically in the last decade or two.

So, with their programs and tax plans in hand they push their give-aways hoping for your vote.

NOTE.  Before going on, let's ask.  Where are you?  If you're reading this, your probably neither filthy rich nor filthy poor.  You're in the middle.  You pay taxes, and likely a lot of them.  But you surely would enjoy those multimillionaires and billionaires paying more.

Suppose either is elected.  Suppose they implement their programs. Suppose they push through their generous tax plans, aimed of course at the rich.  The programs become law.  Now let's reap in the cash.   They soon discover what Panamanian authorities did only weeks ago when they raided the Panama City headquarters of the Mossack Fonseca law firm.  What was found were 10 million documents of how this firm set up financial accounts set up in tax-haven countries for the super rich to conceal their funds, and to avoid paying taxes.

The upshot here is that the government will come up far short in its quest for tax funds from the rich.   The consequence is that the next tier or two down will be slapped with increased taxes, and likely increased considerably.  This means you and I will pay for even more free stuff - for somebody else.

We cry out, "Let's close the loopholes and then get the money."  You will here this.  Attempts will be made.  Alas, it is too late, the money is already gone.  New laws will be written by a congress influenced ( through generous campaign contributions) by those needing or wanting to conceal cash.   We lose again.  Yet, somebody must pay the price for the stuff.  It will be you and I that covers the tab.  The rich will stay rich, and very rich it seems.  Those in the middle will get poorer;  the poor will get some free stuff;  the filthy rich will remain so, and probably filthier still.

If its Cruz or Trump elected, there won't be as much free stuff.    Yet the rich are essentially politically neutral, benefiting regardless of who is in power.

Promising to hit the rich is a non-starter that only the ignorant don't understand.


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