All too often we hear from Republicans the resonance of past, Ronald
Reagan. There has become a purity test, not
unlike a litmus test, for all contenders. Who can most resemble Reagan? Who can take us back to Camelot?
This seems to be one fundamental critique of the candidacy
of Donald Trump. He is definitely not a
reborn Reagan and doesn’t even so pretend,
though the last two standing try to outbid each other for this mantle. Like it or not, Reagan is gone, not to be
reborn anytime soon. What the “Donald”
has done is energize a new base of folks, not unlike Reagan, to a new
banner. It has incensed the old guard who
is trying hard to displace him. The replacement for the displaced is someone
they also don’t like, but as luck would have it, dislike less than the evil
incarnate Donald.
Like him or not, Trump has brought forth new ideas mixed
with a blend of the old. He has involved and energized many more people than the Republican establishment could ever
do. He is also loud, crude, and
disorganized. To the Republicans, he has
become a curse upon what should be, what could be, and what must be. He
must go!!
And probably he will go leaving the very rich entrenched
promoters happy but unhappy with their only real alternative. The election will likely be a contest between
the old guards on both sides, each trying to live in their youth or childhood,
projecting what was into the future.
All this demonstrates that conservatism dominates both camps. Yes. All this portends a new President trying
to preside from a past now long gone. Each will be armed with about two pages of
talking points and will not dare deviate or improvise one single bit.
My goodness, are we come to this? We don’t have a poverty of choice, a
confusion of choice, or a medley of choice.
We have no choice. The one may spend us into annihilation, the other may lead us to a war of the same. Trump could do both.
If a college or even high school education was a
disqualification for political office, we might expect what we have. But not these days.
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