Modern politics is life imitating fiction, this Tale of Two Parties, with each party cheering wildly as an opponent is guillotined, and with each having battalions of Madams DeFarge knitting furiously the names of the victims and accused.
To be a victim, one only needs to accuse, evidence not being required. To
be accused, a committed crime is not the factor; it is whose side you’re
perceived to be on. To be convicted does
not imply guilt has been proved, only believed.
Our Madams
and Messieurs have their whole beings consumed by hate and they “will not rest
until their bloodthirsty desires are satisfied.”*
Thank you Charles Dickens for predicting the
future, which has now come to pass.
It is important to support good people even if, only if, or while they have value to you and what you believe as good. A good boss has values that will see through, as will a good colleague, relative, or friend.
It is important to support good people even if, only if, or while they have value to you and what you believe as good. A good boss has values that will see through, as will a good colleague, relative, or friend.
what is Goodness? This depends on who,
what, and where. It could be your generosity to the infirmed or perhaps your
kindness to people you don’t know. It
could mean skillful teaching or good parenting. It could mean simply helping
where help is needed. It could be a smile offered at the right time. It is an
activity that makes the world just a bit happier. Often it comes down to service to humanity, if
only in a modest way.
faith in goodness, but know false goodness as it circulates freely all around
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