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The Dark Side of Big Data, IV – Deadly Algorithms

The Dark Side of Big Data, IV – Deadly Algorithms

It is important to look in advance of the information, to establish what is possible before the possibility becomes reality. Every truth discovered begins as a possibility. The promise of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data is that it takes the human out of the decision process.  The promised truth of AI (the algorithms) in tandem with big data is better analysis, faster execution of decisions, safer driving, correct diagnoses, or whatever lies on the table.  What could be bad about that?

Everyone has heard of algorithmic data analysis with built-in triggers for action.  The most prominent example is with the stock market.  Algorithms are so entrenched within the buy-sell patterns, many brokerage firms are now controlled by news reports and financial input for potential transactions. Oil problems in the Middle East signals sell, and baby, they sell.  China trade deal is near signals buy, and baby, they buy.

In the market, algorithms read the news looking for key-words and phrases that indicate positivity or negativity for market trends.  They act with little human intervention.  Such algorithms factor in  types of news, stock prices, and business trends.  In brief, they are powerful predictive tools.  Or are they?

Results are difficult to evaluate. Notwithstanding the self-fulfilling aspects, the net results may show the market going up or down.  It is difficult for anyone to say that if the algorithms were not in place, the results would have been better or worse.  Moreover, who knows if these algorithms have been hacked to provide third parties to determine only seconds ahead of what will transpire – and act in just milliseconds with their own algorithms based upon algorithms?

Recall the question, “Who is the best hacker in the world? The one never discovered.”   

Now suppose some firm has developed algorithms based on Bayesian methods combined with big data, and other statistical and mathematical techniques.  It has some profits proved, contingent on the above observations. Suppose the algorithms are sold (yes, they can be sold) or the entire firm is sold to other interests, whose desire is to automatically profit using the algorithms.  This new firm decides to cuts costs by eliminating its IT analysts.  Thus, yesterday’s algorithms march into the future making predictions, sales-projections, and stock orders/sales based on previous situations. In a real sense, if the firm manages sufficient money, the algorithms exert some power over future markets, but the controller algorithms may no longer be relevant. 

Example. Would you resurrect a stock expert from 2009 (old human algorithms) to advise your purchases today? 

This firm no longer has the expertise to examine, much less change the algorithms to meet the day.  This is dark.  Even darker is the firm decides to employ new IT analysts that scarcely understand the old algorithms while it modifies them, giving a hodge-podge of new code.  News sources change, politics change, trends change, and money supplies change.  When the algorithms do not, there becomes a dangerous brew of reality with fantasy.  What can you actually know if 80% of trades are algorithmic?

Another problem, another dark algorithmic phenomenon, is when a firm denies searches to your website for any reason, say an unfavorable political mention.  The trigger may be a single mention on the site.  Even with no further “violations,” the sanction put in place will never be lifted.  A single mistake can become a permanent blot. What could happen is the evolution of new language style designed to make points that algorithms will not detect – if this hasn’t already happened.

We already have similar phenomena within the justice system with small, small data – but fixed judicial algorithms.  A person convicted for almost any crime carries that dead bird around their neck for all their life. Expurgation is sometimes possible with effort and cost.  Never, ever, with algorithms tagging a website as undesirable is expurgation possible without some extreme effort.  In reality, owners of the errant website may never know they were tried, found guilty, and given a life sentence – by an algorithm!  Appeals are not even on the radar at this point.

Even worse is your future visit to the doctor. Your vitals and symptoms are input; the algorithms decide in microseconds your problem and recommend a remedy.  Does the doctor accept or have the courage to contravene?  Legal and medical problems hinge on any decision.

Just as bad news is ahead when algorithms evaluate you, based data oceans of information coming from social media, medical records, school performance, insurance data, and employment records, to make employment decisions about YOU*. Appeal?  Sure, but to whom?  You can’t take an algorithm to court.

Move over Edmond Dantes of The Count of Monte Cristo. Even you partly knew your accusers, though not the why.

The military is already aware of problems created by AI and big data in making battlefield decisions.  Right now, they are stumped by this dilemma. We will need another Clausewitz, rewriting the rules of command in wartime.  Will we need generals with knowledge of and maybe how to write algorithms? The War College may require new courses in mathematics and statistics. The only bright spot here is that generals tend to be scholars of their deadly craft.  Can they keep up?

Currently, political campaigns are making advertising decisions based on polls and local voting records.  They have been truly effective in winning the day.  This makes even politics subject to algorithms; it makes campaigns subject to political preferences. Good or bad?  You decide.

And finally the worst of the worst  We are rapidly becoming dependent on AI algorithms we don’t even understand and are powerless to refute.  Have we become like children in someone else’s nursery? 

Summary. The point here is that algorithms require constant human attention and intervention, not unlike that of the railroad engineer who keeps the train on the tracks.  Algorithms need constant expert management. AI is a modern-day Janus, two faces or many. One side is good for some, other sides are good for others, but none are in charge of events. We may come to question of just who is running the railroad. A curious new world is emerging.

*These oceans of information may not yet exist, but they are on the way, 10 years max.

General References.


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