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Hillary and Donald - II

We look at the two candidates as they are as projected from their past.   This is the second blog on Hillary and Donald. The first is at

The election this cycle offers us two opposing viewpoints proposed by two fundamentally opposite persons.  Each, I believe, seriously wants to help the country in this time of multitudinous international and national stresses.  Both approach the problems differently. Different paradigms, different temperaments, and different solutions.  Actually, different everything. 

Both use their personal time-tested techniques. Political vs. Business.  They cannot and will not change!  Not at their age.  Old dogs and all that… 

Though Hillary was trained as a lawyer, she is now a thorough-going politician.  Thus, Hillary will likely treat all matters as political within the constraints of her political dogmas. Hillary, with help from her team, will always, but always, give fully measured responses to all issues, whether or not they have any true meaning.  One advantage is she comes in with a complete narrative of the world, and will fit facts to it.  She will always be secretive, and with rather too few press conferences.  The proverbial pot will heat up on occasion but rarely boil.

 Donald has been a businessman his entire adult life.  Thus, Donald will likely treat problems from a business viewpoint.  There is profit and loss, good investments and bad.  Rather analytical.  No doubt, Donald will negotiate good deals on relevant issues. However, he is rough-hewn, prone to mistakes and overstatement – and a bit reactive to surprising situations.   He does lack sensitivity toward issues he doesn’t understand – more than a few.  He will always be available for discussion, and with too many press conferences.  The proverbial pot will boil from time-to-time.  

For both, we have method and order, flexibility and durability, compassion and logic.  Big categories going into an ocean of seriously dangerous unknowns.

Neither are intellectually deep, nor thoughtful, nor brilliant*. The one has much experience, but little achievement.  The other has little experience, but much achievement.   On the roads to the top, Donald probably has had more variation than Hillary. He seems liked or disliked in equal measure. She seems not liked by many.  However, the quality of likability is not a strong criterion at this level.  These are perceptions sustained by the media, but who trusts them for anything beyond giving us the time the sun rises.

With Donald, his decisions will endure serious critique.  Will Hillary, her measured decisions will be somewhat accepted. 

A final note, from which you can determine I may be a little bit off top-dead center. 

With the selection of a new President we are by analogy into the realm of quantum mechanics – after a fashion.  Before the election, we make our predictions on the basis of what we know and what we hope will become true. But in reality, we face the fact that observers detect in the President’s actions upon events in completely different ways than could have imagined otherwise – the outcomes. Basically, we cannot predict with any accuracy what can or will happen.  One reason is scale.  Before the election, there is the scale of evidence.  This is measurable. After the election, the scale of observation is so minute to change former predictions into gross generalities, often wrong. Moreover, the observations themselves fundamentally change outcomes, with both sides squeezing actual events within their narratives.  Without scale, there would still today be no quantum mechanics. 
*Both camps claim their candidate is the “smart one,” but I haven’t seen much smarts from either.  When I was younger, I’d assume both were really smart.  After all, they were running for President! Now I know when you start with a bunch of money, it is not that hard to make more.  When you start atop the political game, it is not that hard to stay there.  (When you start at the bottom, rising to the top in business, politics, even crime, can be difficult.  Not applicable for these two.)


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