Mark Zuckerberg, on testifying before congress. Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook, now under review by congress for possible charges of invasion of privacy and selling of information to non Facebook agencies. One could call this approved internal hacking. Basic conclusions.
1. If he stumbles before the lights, he will not be the first.
2. He will make platitudes to personal rights, as programmed by his personal handlers.
3. He may state our users agreed to the surrender of their information, never understanding some of it is fundamentally in error.
4. The poor lad really does not appreaciate right from wrong. For him, it is purely operational. Typical coder thinking.
5. He may state in post-testimony interviews, he was not understood.
How to question Zuckerberg.
1. Ask him what is the word-length of the user agreement their users accept.
2. Ask him how many actually read the agreement – or simply click on the agreement acceptance button.
3. Ask him what proportions of Facebook revenues come from advertising vs. data mining.
4. Ask him how many agencies have contracts to mine Facebook data? How many are commercial? How many are political? How many are government? How many are academic? How many you just don’t know?
5. Ask him the purpose of each? Ask him to be specific.
6. Ask him if any of the agencies send specific information to users in each category. Give examples.
There are many more, but what is important is to be specific with Mark. He will hardly understand other questions. He is surely not equipped to answer other question types. Mark went from coder to billionaire business mogul overnight.
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