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Idea Space - Part II


The is the second part of our blog on ideas but stands independently.  See
What is the “idea of ideas?”  It is the conceptual framework through which problems are solved.  Prior to solving any problem whatever, it is key to have an approach to solving the problem.  This is the idea!  It could be routine, an idea applied previously.  It could be a variation on other successful ideas.  It could be complex requiring some approach beyond the norms of normal problem solving.  It could be dictated by belief or better put fit within the constraints of faith.  Yet, prior to any solution offered, there must be an idea that proceeds the solution.  This is the firmament upon which solutions are formed.  We have problem →idea → solution.  The idea is the forms the first steps on the pathway toward the solution.   The idea is a “proto-solution.”  It is a first glimmer.  If there were no problems, there would be no ideas. 

In writing this short note we are calling upon ideas about the idea of ideas.  This puts it clearly within some meta-idea space of thought.
This intermediate step to problem solutions is offered in many guises, from instinct to innovation.   It is the essence of problem solutions.   In other terms this “idea” could be also called
  •  An approach
  • A method
  • A technique
Whatever it’s called, it forms the gateway to viable solutions.   Is it almost impossible to solve a problem without some idea on how to proceed.  If problems were totally simple, with methods prescribed such as in a basic math or chemistry course, the notion of the idea is missed, because the idea and methods are co-mingled.  One learns methods co-embedded with the idea.  Change the problem from the routine to the particular, and a new idea may be required.   The idea separates a viable pathway from the countless others.  It is a specific type of intuition. 

Therefore, the idea of ideas must be addressed.  We claim that when impossible problems arise within an area and such ideas persist regardless of solutions based on the extant theories, then a new idea is required.  It is then a new idea is produced, with the question of whether it is the right idea.  It is an ideas sweepstakes.  Most entries are bogus.  Some are viable.  The idea of all ideas is the winner in the competition as to which is most predictive.

Many events can influence which idea is the (first) winner.  Most of them fall in the context of experience with standard problem solving methods,  BRAIPIE. (See  Not necessarily is the best idea selected.  Depending on intrinsic criteria, the winning idea to solution is selected.  All to often it is wrong.  Selecting the idea, rejecting the idea, and creating a new idea is part of the process.  

Each idea addresses a facet of the problem.  The correct or successful idea addresses the greatest number of facets. It is really impossible to create general principles for all subject areas combined.  But is it?  We examine simple area states and their particular needs for ideas. 

We consider here a necessary construct from IDEA SPACE discussed in our previous post.  We must in this case look towards specific disciplines and seek what may be needed within it.  We ask questions
  1. For this area are new ideas needed?
  2. For this area are is the theory able to construct answers to given problems?
  3. For this area are there emerging problems beyond the scope of current ideas?
What is the current vector of the specific area?  It is in a cleaning mode, a question mode, or a “at loss” mode with a question there but without ideas to solve them.


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