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Reasoning by Analogy

Using Analogies

We all use analogies to explain the concepts we want to impart, to convince, to help understand, and to reduce to a simpler more physical and familiar level of understanding.  Analogies have been used over the great span of time, even in Plato’s Phaedo, where the philosopher’s soul of reason should not do and redo arguments as with Penelope’s rug2. (Plato, Phaedo)

Research says indicates that using analogies assists in concept development. This is something we’ve all suspected. It is interesting to note that it is somewhat established in the literature1.   To be effective, analogies must be familiar, and their features must be synchronous with those of the target.

Reasoning by analogy indicates the target concept is like something else.  You can argue it, but it is still only an analogy and may prove nothing at all.  The real problem is that the analogy may be false, and worse still is that your audience may interpret your intended concept through the analogy, which may be off the mark and function more as a misdirection than a learning tool.  Thus the concept is understood only through a simple or single facet of what is intended, not approaching anywhere near the true idea. This could be intended. 

We seek to bring a concept into the sphere of one’s understandings.  But it is important to clarify how the analogy and target differ to avoid confusion or misconceptions.  It is also important to clarify how the analogy differs from the actual concept lest oversimplification results.  

This is the point.  The analogy is often an oversimplification of the concept, and through it the listener often experiences a misconception of the idea or concept that is intended.  

Beware of analogies. They can be distracting,  distracting, diverting, divisive, disrespectful, demonizing, and deceiving, not to mention misleading and misdirecting.
Simple examples:  See

It is remarkable how many ideas and concepts in religious and philosophical works are based upon analogy.  If any two subjects are defined by analogy, these are the two.


  1. You make good points about the usefulness of analogies and the fact that limitations and differences must be included to prevent misconceptions.

    1. I didn't emphasize, but do now, that in most cases analogies are used to help the scaffolding of understanding.

      Perhaps in politics they are designed to strictly mislead and misdirect. I guess this is what demagoguery is part and parcel to. Doesn't matter the partisanship.


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