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Jobs - Who needs one?

Jobs anyone? No Thanks.  "I don't want one," is the response from 34.3% of people. This is the latest statistic from the Wall Street Journal, where it is noted this is up from 30% just two decades ago. In a recent paper, Declining Labor Force Attachment and Downward Trends in Unemployment and Participation , by economists Regis Barnichon and Andrew Figura divided those out of the labor force using a simpler standard: whether or not the person says they want a job. the paper is rather technical but understandable. It does lead us to a couple of questions. (1) How much unemployment by those not wishing employment can a prosperous nation absorb - and remain prosperous? (2) What is the critical mass whereby this "don't want a job" attitude toward work becomes an epidemic in society? The answers to both are unexplored. There is another population out there not yet analyzed. This group, those people employed by in totally nonproductive venu...

On Government II

The setting:   The government is an enterprise of millions of employees, led by politicians, who really don’t know how to do anything.   Below them are political appointees, sometimes skilled at something different and at a vastly smaller scale.   Below them are civil servants, who function as highest level operational administrators.   They are normally paid substantially less that commercial counterparts.   Thus, not the highest quality folks are retained.   Below them are the midlevel administrators whose abilities range from very good to terrible, biased toward the lower end.   Since they have total job security, there is little incentive to perform well, even if they could.   This higher level structure diffuses to the entire government enterprise.   Making it bigger will simply require hiring more lower-quality administrators entrusted with higher-level functions.   Will not work. Government service summary: At th...