My dad used to say if you want a serious problem to solve, find one that no one has yet solved. Knowing now that the best minds work on the hardest problems, these unsolved or open problems must be difficult. In this short piece, we talk about time, its elusive meaning, and its close cousin of order. The God Problem. Is there or isn't there? Those that believe do believe on faith, an inner sense of knowing. Those that don't mostly believe it is only a matter of time and the endeavors of science to solve there is no God. But suppose such a solution is offered? The universe is this way or that... But who made the universe is the next level. But suppose the universe is this way or that? Then how were the laws created? And when this is resolved, how did the laws come into place? In short, what ever is resolved, the next question is "Why's that? Who did that?" The God Problem is one of infinite regression for the scientist, bu...
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