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Poor Donald Trump

If the election is likened to the game of Bridge, the nation may bid no-Trump.  
 Below is a letter I wrote to Eric Trump, son of “the Donald.” In it I note that Donald Trump is all but gone as a presidential candidate.  If you are a Trump supporter, this may come as dismal news.  If you support Clinton, you will be elated.  I am hopeful that Trump will become a more respectful candidate, making the election more competitive. The alternative is to give Clinton a mandate in the coming election.  This is never good.  It would not be good for either.  It implies the winner can simply ignore critique and pursue their most base predilections. Leadership is critical for a President.  Balance is vital as well.  
When your dad stabilizes and acts intelligent by not shooting off his mouth whenever he feels affronted, then I will reconsider.

Yet, I think you know this is what he does.  You have seen it in board room meetings.  You have seen his nasty little remarks too many times.  He likes doing this.  Can he resist for two whole weeks, much less the next 80 days?  Doubtful.
A trip to Louisiana, like today, is not enough.  As per his speech yesterday in North Carolina he can regret his prior comments all he wants. This is not enough.  He needs to show a total command of details of issues.  What we see too often is something like, "I will make things better than you can imagine."  This thins as folks see he doesn't really have a command of issues.  It was enough to defeat Jeb Bush, a boring competitor.  (I told him so.) It was enough to defeat the disingenuous campaign of Ted Cruz.  It will not work to create life-enemies from those who should support him.  Moreover, it is not enough to defeat the well-oiled and disciplined campaign of Hillary Clinton.
I suggest he first make peace with the disaffected leaders of his own party.  Compared with leadership of the world, this should be elementary.  If he can achieve this, he will be worthy of the Presidency.  A tall order, this is for a combative man such as Trump.  If he cannot, he is lost to history.  Doubtful.

Coming up: The high cost of voting.  We show that when the cost of voting machines is factored in and many other costs, the state pays no less than $8 per vote cast.  This estimate is totally conservative as to costs.  All this is based on 79,000,000 actual election day ballots cast.  The cost of those voting machines is high, really high.


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