Problem-Solving - Beyond Impossible
There is no problem the mind of man can set that the mind of
man cannot solve.
― Samuel
Figure 1. Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
Introduction. What
can possibly be beyond impossible in problem-solving? It would seem that the
“impossible” is as far as we can go. Yet, there is a nether region where the
“beyond” modifier finds its place.
If you recall Johnson’s quote, it may be
from the 1946 Sherlock Holmes movie, “Dressed to Kill” starring Basil
Rathbone. It does make you think, but it
also gives you hope. It gives us hope we can solve anything we come
across. It gives hope we can ultimately
answer every question – though some solutions may take more time than others. Unfortunately,
Dr. Johnson was wrong.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was known for
saying, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it”. This
is similar, after a fashion, to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus who told
us “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and
he's not the same man.” That’s more like
it. Of course, by posing the question, one’s mind changes, and then when trying
to solve it, a different mind is at work.
“Asking the right questions is as
important as answering them.” This common expression has been echoed by
many over the years. This idea is closely related to the Socratic method, where
Socrates (d. 399 BCE) emphasized the importance of asking questions to
stimulate critical thinking and illuminate ideas. Certainly, until the right
questions are asked, where answers are possible, a given situation remains
impossible, and possibly beyond.
In this short note, we go beyond even to
true questions that no one can answer. We go
beyond the simple questions loaded with vague terms such as “How good is
the good boy?” The reader should note problems
discussed herein are complex and not not of the simple school problems variety.
Beyond Impossible. The problem here is that from the work of
mathematicians, particularly Kurt Gödel (1906-1978), we know now there are true
propositions that cannot be proved, and can never be proved. Many have already
been discovered. It seems almost
paradoxical that we can prove them unprovable but cannot prove them. The implication is that a problem can be set
and then found can never be proved. More on this later. Such problems are
beyond unknown unknowns, perhaps unknowable knowns. They are undecidable. In another language, we can with a slight
linguistic stretch prove there will be Black Swan (a vague term meaning unexpected
and big) events, but we cannot prove what they will be. Let’s take up a few
specific examples of impossible and beyond possible problems, noting that the
solution can be so termed.
Artificial Intelligence. Combine this
with AI, now looming ever larger in our lives. The two most serious danger
signals of AI are dependency and reliance. It is one thing to rely on AI every
day, as a tool or an assistant. However, dependence brings AI to another level,
wherein the human cannot survive without AI. One can view AI as a drug or a
device. Either way, it is not exactly healthy. It implies a type of co-existence.
Moreover, with dependency, there becomes a reluctance toward independent
thought. As to problem-solving, the further implication is reliance on AI to
solve the problem. And this denies innovation, a feature AI is miles from at
this point. With this reliance, problem solutions depend on what’s been done
previously, and therefore the same failing solutions could be generated time
after time. This, to depend on a “mind” incapable of solving the problem, is
certainly indicative of a problem beyond impossible. AI is a completely new
form of permanence – to be discusses below.
Medicine. In today’s Coronavirus
event, we find even a middle ground for this. We will find a vaccine for this one, but… We can agree that another disease will be present
that will rock the world, but we can never predict the disease itself, the time
it occurs, or where it will arise. Just
a couple of years ago, Ebola announced itself.
This one scared us and still does.
Regarding AI, even
now servers and their machine-learning algorithms are digesting as much medical
data as they can find. They have now
learned to diagnose medical problems at a truly professional level. One problem confronting the medical community
now is whether to accept such diagnoses as the diagnosis. This is not a little problem. It is a problem
with repercussions across all of medicine, from the school to the courtroom. Let’s look at a few elementary
Tools will be
put in the hands of the medical practitioner and physician's assistant. The
patient may not even qualify to see a doctor until after this “AI-procedure.” For
obvious reasons, the doctor contradicting the diagnosis is put at legal
risk. Medical research and new
procedures will be underdetermined. On the other hand, if the doctor goes with
machine learning, he/she has a legal defense built-in.
Medical schools
will teach doctors to rely on the software.
This could undermine their diagnostic discipline, making them the tools
of the software. Sure, they will offer
comfort and prescribe the recommended medicine. But their self-confidence will
be undermined. They will relax, losing
basic sharpness with their fundamental skills. The drug companies will become
fierce competitors to make their new drugs acceptable for AI-approved treatment
recommendations. One consequence is that innovations in medicine will be
diminished. Another is that such engines
will strongly enhance the "abilities" of poor doctors. (This is
actually good.) The poorest doctors will
get better; the better doctors will get poorer, or at best extremely more
cautious. Resolving such homogenization of medical skills, effectively removing
humans from the loop, seems to be a future problem and possibly beyond
Language. Vagueness
is the bane of pragmatic people and philosophers alike. Can you build a highway
that is generally safe, and allows brisk traffic in all but the worst
conditions? Is Peter a good boy or a bad boy?
Such questions as these are loaded with vague terms and can be
considered and then answered only conditionally, and even not then.
To be more formal, the French philosopher Jacques Derrida
(1930-2004) argues that there are no self-sufficient units of meaning in a
text, because individual words or sentences in a text can only be properly
understood in terms of how they fit into the larger structure of the text and
language itself. Derrida is most celebrated as the principal exponent of
deconstruction, a term he coined for the critical examination of the
fundamental conceptual distinctions, or “oppositions,” inherent in Western
philosophy since the time of the ancient Greeks.
The key argument in deconstruction is that meaning is
unreliable as the language that communicates meaning is itself unreliable. The Polish
mathematician Alfred Tarski (1901-1983) recognized this in his work in the
1930s on Truth*, where he posited truth in a given language must more-or-less
be certified within another. Derrida also posits many inconsistencies arise by
using the analogy. The analogy is a powerful tool to convey understanding,
though it is often riddled with errors and misconceptions. All of us use analogies
to explain new ideas. In particular, most analogies, to be relatable are
simplified renditions of the new idea or problem but are often inaccurate and
misleading. Moreover, they reveal only a single facet of the problem. This
incompleteness often leads to a misconstruction of it, which in turn leads to
forms of incorrect and impossible solutions. This occurs more in teaching than
problem-solving per se but plays a role in problem-solving as well.
We make a final observation about problems with conflicting
and or competing values, particularly when one of the values is vague and the
other is precise. For example, in the Sorites Paradox (alt. Heap Paradox),
where starting with a pile of sand, a single grain of sand is added, one by one
until there is a heap of sand. Exactly, at what grain does the transition take
place? This is beyond impossible to answer because the terms “heap” and “pile”
are vague. Therefore there can be no clear answer to the problem. When clarity
is lost, so also is the solution, making the original problem impossible.
Similar terms are good-bad, tall-short, weak-powerful.
Fear. Fear can play a significant role in
problem-solving, influencing both the process and the outcome. It is a complex
emotion that can manifest in various ways, potentially either hindering or
enhancing an individual's ability to solve problems effectively. Fear can be
and is a hindrance to problem-solving in some situations, as is its cousin, self-confidence.
Paralysis by Analysis: Fear can lead to
overthinking and excessive analysis, which may result in "paralysis by
analysis." When someone is afraid of making the wrong decision, they may
hesitate to take any action at all, leading to stagnation and inaction. This
penetrates into the psychology of problem-solving, the key factor in giving
solutions, as opposed to the problem itself.
As well fear causes uncertainty, and this generates
more uncertainty and indecision about the solutions suggested and certainly
hinders solving the problem in the first place. Often this results in a
restructuring of the problem or reluctance to accept the solution, making the
problem even more difficult, to the point where no solution can achieve a
consensus among stakeholders. The feedback goes to the problem, moving from
tractable to intractable. Fear and uncertainty render indecision, and the
problem thereby becomes impossible or beyond.
The story of fear in problem-solving is
supported by extensive literature, and only this single snapshot of its effect
is given here.
Computing and Mathematics. In terms of
computing, we can say a problem is decidable if we can construct a Turing
machine (an abstract computer) that will halt in a finite amount of time
for every input and give the answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’. A problem is undecidable
if this is not so. And there are many such problems. One classic is Hilbert’s
Tenth Problem: Is there an algorithm that can determine (in finite time) if
every polynomial equation with integer coefficients has an integer solution? It was proved undecidable in 1972 by Russian
mathematician Yuri Matiyasevich (1947- ).
In the real world, for example, suppose in some business
venture, it is determined the risks of Solution A and Solution B are enormous. Yet,
one solution must be chosen. This brings the firm to a type of undecidable impossibility
if it is known that maintaining the status quo may result in a malingering
decline in profitability leading to bankruptcy. This is but one real-world
example of the notion of undecidability, a topic to my knowledge that has not
been studied.
An age-old problem in mathematics was this, “Can we prove
every true proposition?” This would mean Mathematics is a complete system. It
should be true. Don’t you think? Well, around 1930 this problem was solved in
the negative by Kurt Gödel (1906-1978). This means there are true propositions
we can never prove, no matter how smart we become. Mathematics is incomplete.
The proof is not difficult but a little tricky. It came as a complete shock to
the Mathematics world, and now many old unsolved math problems have been proven
to be undecidable. No proof ever! Such issues seem beyond impossible, and it
signals many problems well known to undergraduates may be of this variety, not
solvable ever, even in the real world. Mercifully, we’ll not pursue this topic
Permanence. The Permanence
of theories going forward, is now with us more than ever. Complexity is one reason. Quality is another. So, established theories become
so entrenched they cannot be breached or changed. The classic example is Ptolemy's astronomy from ancient Greece,
where the planets revolve around the Earth along epicycles. It worked well for
quite a while. Then errors were noticed. But with the Catholic church
supporting it, it was nearly impossible to change to a heliocentric model. Even
the great Galileo (1564-1642) was arrested and sentenced by the Papacy to a lifetime
of house arrest for suggesting otherwise. The notion of bloodletting to cure
diseases persisted for decades after it was debunked. More recently, the belief
that vaccines cause autism persists, all owing to a paper, later debunked, that
so indicated. Most theories do not inch
along, getting better and better. Theories experience revolutions, as per the
philosopher of science Thomas S. Kuhn (1922-1996). Even today, the Standard
Model in cosmology is at risk as new findings that dark energy is being
depleted are the cause for fueling the expansion of the universe. Yet, careers
have been built on the Standard Model, and advocates will not give it up
gently. Old, failing theories persist
because institutions or communities want them to.
Does the human brain have the horsepower to solve all these problems, or at
least come to terms with them? We need another quote, from one of the exemplars
of modern analytical thinking.
imagination of nature is far, far greater than the imagination of man.”
--- Richard P. Feynman (1918-1988)
Important it is to observe that the current human brain
evolved for success at hunting, gathering, aggression, and all-around survival. Yet, nature in its
munificence evolved a brain fully capable of critical thinking, language,
innovation, and even abstraction. This alone is difficult (or impossible?) to
understand. But Feynman suggests understanding nature may take a further
evolutionary step in humans to understand and answer and answer deeper questions,
questions we don’t even know enough to ask let alone understand, even if we
stumbled upon one.
Figure 2. Richard P. Feynman
By way of analogy, I once wrote an essay titled, “Teaching an
Ant How to Read.” In it, I explained it just can’t be done, simply because the
ant simply hasn’t the mental capacity. At a higher level, the same situation
may be ours. Perhaps one day, it will be proved that a mind in a single
container, such as a human, can only evolve to a certain limit no matter how
the atoms are arranged. Is this a question beyond impossible or undecidable? (See,
Another of these types of problems is, “Does knowing something change it?”
Yes, it can happen.
Conclusion. It is simple to
say that Samuel Johnson was wrong. He was. Many important people have been
wrong but remain luminaries in our world. But in a deeper meaning about the
cosmos, it indicates we may have one day two entirely different fully
compatible explanations of the universe but will never be able to determine
which, if either, is correct. Being more
theosophical, we may never be able to decide the merely impossible question of whether
or not there is a God, maintaining the age-old feeling that God is a matter of
faith. ■
* Truth, by the way, is one of those
primitive concepts that have for millennia never really been defined to the
satisfaction of all or even most. Sometimes new definitions are offered that
seem at first to be exciting and attractive, but within a generation are
deconstructed, often to vagueness, and lose adherents. With postmodernism
created in the 1960s, where emotion is allowed on equal footing with critical
thinking, Truth has become even more vague – and impossible.
©2024 G
Donald Allen
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