Usually a polite expression of praise or admiration, the compliment is common everywhere. But what do they really mean? The usual answers include improving communication, motivation, encouragement, showing appreciation, relationships, and self-esteem. Some compliments are spontaneous, given out of amazement, novelty, or surprise.
Many are pure praise for something, from appearance to achievement. These are the good kind. Others can be more devious. They can be offered to disarm caution to obtain any of many factors or favors. They can be used to falsely gain loyalty or friendship. They can also be used to disguise nervousness.
Compliments seem to be expressions that most people enjoy receiving. Yet, except for the uninitiated, they may invoke or evoke caution, perhaps even suspicion, leading to reject the compliment altogether.
For the next compliment you receive, consider the sender’s
goal, motivation, flattery, or honesty. Honesty is better.
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