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What is Reality?

What is Reality?
G Donald Allen

Introduction. To illustrate specifically an impossible problem, let’s solve one – or try to. “What is reality?[1]” First, don’t worry if you disagree, as we’ll try to solve the problem in several ways. Books have been written on just this subject.  As well, the solutions offered include most of the standard theories of reality such as realism[2], phenomenalism[3], perception[4], idealism[5], pragmatism[6], and constructivism[7], often in combination – much to the horror of philosophers, I’m sure. Our intent is not to solve this problem, but to establish it probably cannot be solved. See Appendix A for common definitions and Appendix B for types of impossible problems.

What is Reality?

Solving the Reality Problem. We’ll limit ourselves to six explanations or solutions, though the simulation explanation reduces to another. As well, explanation #5 indicates we can’t do it no matter what. The descriptions are rather brief, and not anywhere near complete.

1.      First, assume the universe we live in is the actual reality, with no imagination and no thought experiments. We evolved in this universe and our perceptions of it comprise the actual world we live in. Evolution would not have been successful if we did not perceive the world as it is. Thus reality is what we perceive. However, what if we evolved 3000 meters deep in the ocean, never surfacing, and therefore totally unaware of the land sky, moon, sun, and everything above? The first conclusion remains valid, allowing a reality beyond our own. A second exception must be considered, and that is our perception mechanisms. Reality, for you and I, is limited to our perceptions, or senses. It is important to realize we may not perceive certain facets of actual reality. This implies there may be a hidden, unknowable reality. For example, it is currently part of cosmology theory that 95% of the universe consists of dark matter and energy, which is inaccessible to any form of comprehension, except gravity. Thus, a reality beyond comprehension exists.

2.      Second, suppose there is a God who created the universe and us, of course. A very similar explanation can be considered. We were created to perceive and succeed in the world, as presented to our senses. Therefore, our perceptions are reality. However, allowing a God as creator there becomes an inaccessible (or higher) reality of which we have no perception. We try to communicate through prayers, sacrifices, and clerical structures. We accept it is there, but normally, it doesn’t interfere with perceived reality. Miracles are accepted as one-way communications from the “higher” reality. Millions accept some variation of this account. This is theisitic realism. Yet.  all this comprises just a facet of meaning via our belief systems.

3.      Third, we live in a simulated world, a popular idea these days. This implies some entity created the universe as some code in some type of machine, and there is where we reside. However, to create such a code consistent with our current observations at 40 scales or more of precision would require such inconceivable complex engineering and capacity that there may as well be a God, the Simulator. This may obviate prayer and other communications, but not miracles. Call this a non-secular God explanation. 

4.      We could follow the constructivist recipe that our reality is socially or culturally constructed, and that different groups or individuals have different versions or interpretations of reality[8]. This is convenient and allows a flurry of realities, but not a solution to the original problem. Yet, even though the world is highly interconnected, constructivism cannot be ignored. As well, though not on the social plane, it is possible to construct alternate realities such as a multiverse, about which much has been discussed lately. While there is no evidence for the multiverse, it has been applied to many ends including theism and atheism.

5.      One other explanation is available, namely that there is a reality we simply cannot perceive with our limited brains. The brain evolved to survive in our world, but other-worldly understandings were never necessary to know, much less consider. Call this the evolutionist’s theory of reality. This is highly discouraging because most of us believe that anything and everything must be comprehensible. Naturally, we can only furnish an example by way of analogy. So, consider a colony of ants, any kind you like. Now teach them to read. After a moment or two, you will conclude that the ant’s brain is simply not equipped for this. Reading, a simple though learned task for us, is beyond the comprehension of the ant. So, perhaps, there is reality, even perceptible, that we can never explain.

A transcendent explanation about knowledge, an even more general or vague concept than reality, was suggested by Albert Einstein,  "I am satisfied with the mystery of life’s eternity and with a knowledge, a sense, of the marvelous structure of existence, as well as the humble attempt to understand even a tiny portion of the Reason that manifests itself in nature." Einstein supposes our first solution that we really do observe what is and is moreover a positivist in his assurance that reason with evidence is the pathway for further discoveries. By the way, the notion of knowledge is also under attack by philosophers. Only a few decades ago it was accepted as justified true belief (JTB). That was defeated by Gettier in 1963[9].

Analysis. The problem, “What is Reality?” must be considered impossible for the many reasons discussed above. All are viable to substantial segments of the population, but none has anything near a consensus. All involve our belief systems, and these are usually unreliable, being apart from an analytic, evidence-based, basis. This is one strike against. Even the term “reality” is somewhat vague as it is given many viewpoints. This is a second strike against. It is possible, though we are reluctant to admit it, actual reality may be a step too far. It is a question our minds are not equipped to answer, let alone our language is capable to express. This is a third strike.  Finally, even if one of the reasons does achieve consensus, this does not make it so. After all, from time to time throughout history various interpretations did enjoy consensus. The fourth strike. Sure, you can have a personal solution.  Most do.  

Currently, the common analytic explanation is by way of the so-called Standard Model[10] of cosmology, though anomalies exist. This is a highly mathematical theory, yet compelling because of available evidence. It is called quantum realism. The common religious explanation is based on God, of various forms. There seems no standard constructivist model, except through the primitive definitions. As you can see, there are many different ways to approach and understand the concept of reality. Each theory of reality has millions of supporters.

Conclusions. This single problem, “What is Reality?” illustrates only some of the facets of what constitutes impossibility; multiple solutions, lack of consensus, lack of evidence, differing mental tools applied, limited mental capacity, and unusual theories. More to come.

Appendix A. A glossary of common definitions of terms used herein, all pulled from standard sources.

Realism. This is the view that there is a reality independent of any beliefs, perceptions, or representations. Realists believe that reality consists of objective and mind-independent entities and facts that can be known or discovered through observation and reason.

Idealism. This is the view that reality is fundamentally mental or spiritual, and that physical objects and events are dependent on or derived from the mind or consciousness. Idealists believe that reality consists of ideas, thoughts, sensations, or other mental states that can only be known or experienced subjectively.

Phenomenalism. This is the view that reality is composed of phenomena, which are the appearances or impressions of things as they are perceived by the senses. Phenomenalists believe that reality consists of nothing more than sensory data or experiences, and that physical objects and events are nothing but collections or bundles of such data or experiences.

Pragmatism. This is the view that reality is relative to the practical consequences or usefulness of one’s beliefs or actions. Pragmatists believe that reality consists of whatever works or serves one’s purposes, and that truth is not a fixed or absolute property, but a matter of agreement or success.

Constructivism. This is the view that reality is socially or culturally constructed and that different groups or individuals have different versions or interpretations of reality. Constructivists believe that reality consists of shared meanings, values, norms, or practices that are created or maintained through communication and interaction.

Theistic realism. This is the view that God exists and is the ultimate source and sustainer of reality. Theistic realists believe that reality is divine, sacred, transcendent, or miraculous. Theistic realism also implies that God can intervene in or influence reality in various ways.

Quantum theory/realism. This is the theory that describes the behavior and interactions of subatomic particles and forces. Quantum theory suggests that reality is probabilistic, indeterminate, non-local, or multi-dimensional. Quantum theory also challenges the classical notions of causality, determinism, locality, and realism.



Appendix B. Here is a bare-bones sketch of the various types of impossible problems. Each requires further explanation but is truncated here, to be filled in later. Of course, the multiplicity of types reveals that “impossible” must be a vague term, but for completeness, all must be considered.


1.      Impossible trivially? – As in saying “It is cloudy and sunny.” That is equating two contradictory conditions is impossible, but trivially so, as nonexistent

2.      Impossible currently? – As in a disease uncurable today but maybe cured next year. Rabies, polio, tuberculosis, and measles, once impossible are now cured. Conditionally impossible may be a better description of such problems.  

3.      Impossible logically? - As in some kind of paradox that has no resolution. The barber paradox is just one example. Briefly put, on an island, the single barber shaves all those who do not shave themselves. Who shaves the barber?

4.      Impossible problem? – As in problems unsolvable and no hint as to solve. Such problems in mathematics and physics are so numerous, it would take a book to explain them. Impossible problems of faith and belief challenge the doubter as much as any with doubts counter-balancing desires, needs, and hopes.

5.      Impossible situations? – As in a real-life, some situations cannot occur. Consider a flying elephant, a unicorn, and all manner of Utopias. These are impossible thoughts. Other situations can occur. Suppose an astronomer discovers a large comet speeding toward the Earth with an ETA of just weeks. Trolley problems fit here.

6.      Impossible via bias or noise?– As in the determination of the true signal from a noisy sample, determining bias where none was imagined, or correcting bias when no precedent is available.

7.      Impossible project? – As in a wicked problem that may have multiple solutions. For example, try to build a beltway around a large city and you’ll see hundreds or thousands of problems with no clear starting points and multiple solutions.

8.      Impossibility entrenched? – As in a problem that seems it must have a solution but is never solved. One obvious reason for this is entrenched and persistent establishment behavior. The Church plays a role here.

9.      Impossible forever? – As in some problems, that can never be solved. For example, “What is the origin of the universe?” All we ever get is the next, best, and final model. Each generation does the same. Make the final model. When it fails? On to the next final model. Human ego is involved, of course. Other questions include, “What is reality?”, “What can I know?”, and “Who am I?” The Vagueness of terms plays a role here.

 [1]  Definition of reality in English by Oxford Dictionaries". Oxford, “the true situation and the problems that actually exist in life, in contrast to how you would like life to be.” “Reality” is an essentially vague term.

[2] Miller, Alexander, "Realism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.

[3] Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "Phenomenalism" . Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.

[4] Present-time consciousness Francisco J. Varela Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (2-3):111-140 (1999)

[5] Guyer, Paul; Horstmann, Rolf-Peter (2019), "Idealism", in Zalta, Edward N. (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2019 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, retrieved 22 January 2020

[6] James, William (1896). The Will to Believe: And Other Essays in Popular Philosophy. Longmans, Green. ISBN 978-0-7905-7948-1.

[7] Wendt, Alexander (1999). Social Theory of International Politics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 1–4. ISBN 978-0-521-46960-9.

[8] The Social Construction of Reality. (2023, January 17). In Wikipedia.

[9] Gettier, Edmund L. (1 June 1963). "Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?". Analysis. 23 (6): 121–123.



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