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Planet Earth Strikes Back

This exposition may seem a little odd, even weird. We are not advocating our planet is sentient, but that its layout has evolved to what has worked for billions of years.  

Every year, many species become extinct, simply by their inability to survive. New species emerge. These are facts. In a sense, we are guests of our planet, which has very strict rules for survival. It will do what planets do everywhere. It survives and responds to threats. Fires burn out because it limits the extent of forests. If, for example, the planet was lush with forestation throughout, a single fire could extinguish forests on a continental level. 

Species die out because they destroy their own food supplies. Storms fade out because they cannot sustain their energy to continue. Plagues of locusts cease for lack of food, though they would destroy all life, themselves included, given a continuous food supply. Volcanos stop erupting because the exploding pressures are exhausted. Earthquakes end because of tectonic relief. Predation ends as the prey is exhausted. Populations are limited because of the limitation of food supplies, disease, and disasters. This is because our planet limits natural disasters in many ways. It protects itself, signaling extinction for violations. 

Recently, we’ve seen the emergence of us, humankind. Exceptionally aggressive about resources, humans have come to dominate the planet with global greed for materials, and energy sources, both driven by a lust for consumption. It is possible that when humans developed intelligence, it stopped normal evolution and ventured into chaotic evolution or even instability.

Right now, with climate advocates in a fury, with human conflicts raging, with population explosion, with exploitation continuing, and with technological domination, our threatened planet may have marked us for extinction – or severe diminution. Mass insanity is emerging. Countries have become lazy, purposeless, or power-crazed. As well, while natural disasters have not increased, they appear to have become worse owing to a massive increase in population.

This is an alternative look, not quite a theory, of our planetary status as viewed by Planet Earth. Are the climate enthusiasts something like evangelistic zealots, trying to slow down or prevent our demise? We know most of the climate arguments are made with highly incomplete information and possibly questionable models. Only a few dozen people worldwide understand the full nature of these models making such dire predictions – decades into the future. We know well that making untested predictions is a certain pathway to creating impossible problems*. As well, most of the financially powerful climate advocates are simply using the arguments to enhance personal power, wealth, and control. So, a reasonable question is asked are they functioning on a type of calculation, intuition, or belief?

So, we ask: Are we destroying our planet or is it our planet destroying us?

Is there merit in the above reasoning? I don’t know. But one thing is certain. It is quite easy to build a prototype theory simply by assembling evidence as needed.

*Most people take futurists and their predictions with a grain of salt.


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