What are the differences between theory and conclusion?
At first blush, this seems a simple question. But not quite. Eventually some conclusions fail, but theories do as well.
A theory is a “framework”
to explain certain phenomena. It contains premises or axioms, and basic
conclusions about what may be true, what may happen, and the like. Conclusions
are basically what follows from the basic theory. When accepted, they become a
part of the theory. Therefore, the theory evolves and grows. Examples include
all the sciences, math, and even psychology.
It can happen there become multiple theories that begin with
assumptions but diverge into different theories. These include sociology,
economics, and even psychology.
Unstated here is just how conclusions are formed. In
sciences, there are experiments, observations, and derivations. However, in
religion, there are these but also revelations to be accepted upon belief. In
advanced science, constructs are formed for which no experiments or
observations can be made, but remarkably observable predictions are made.
Example, M-theory, theory of everything.
Unstated as well, is the logic allowed in drawing
conclusions. Logic itself evolves. For example, theorems in mathematics
formerly considered as correct have required modification and/or correction.
Ditto for the other sciences.
It is best to think of theory and conclusions as organic,
emerging and evolving as other theories emerge and evolve. Sorry, there are no
absolutes anywhere in this story, as much as we want them.
Example. Consider the simple bacterium. It began before
Pasteur as a theoretical possibility, replacing malaise theories. Then a theory
emerged. Insufficient to explain all diseases, the virus was discovered, and
the theory was expanded. Only three-four decades ago, the prion was
hypothesized and it explained diseases neither bacteria nor viruses could
explain, such as mad cow disease. So, it is natural to ask, what might be
discovered next? Every discovery is posited as the end of the story, but turns
out to be the beginning of a new story with theories, conclusions, and then
eventual failure.
On another note, even now black holes have been shown to
“leak.” How to explain this? Yes, there are theories evolving - not yet final.
On yet another note, theories of time and whether it has a direction seem
always to be in a formative stage.
Think of it this way.
You’ve heard of the stone age, the bronze age, the iron age, the
industrial age, and more. You’ve heard
of the information age, and think we’re here. In fact, we are in the age of theories, where you must have a theory to get into any game. And theories are easy to produce, but many
don’t stick.
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