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China Shows Us How

 New Wars for New Times 

What has changed for you and I (i.e. old farts) is the nature of conflict . In the olden days, there were the spies as individuals trying hard to subvert whatever. Individual or in a “cell,” they carried out operations such as a simple murder or theft of secrets. There were the armed enemies opposed by armed forces. So, we and they had spies trying to penetrate the opposition, promoting or preventing war.

But now China has shown us the new method of institutional spying through co-opting congressional leaders (Swalwell, Feinstein, et al.), computer hacking for the theft of arbitrary information for future processing (everyone), co-opting of entire countries by issuing nonrepayable loans (Africa, Sri Lanka, etc), military intimidation (India, South China Sea), and penetrating corporate interests (Google, Facebook, etc) worldwide.

Not a shot is fired; no armies are marshaled. The war now engaged is under cover of protocols, laws, policies, corruption, and politics. We need every sort of ally we can find because we are opposed in every way and everywhere possible.

The enemy (China) has (A) Huge armies with no experience, (B) Even huger penetration to information systems with plenty of experience. They are fighting a war our generals don’t understand. Their goal is to kill congresses (all nations), fortune 500 companies (globalism), and presidents (everywhere). With their massive armies as a head fake, their scorecard looks pretty good.


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