The stock market is going up and up both in
the USA and the world, despite impeachment, Iran, climate, swine flu, nuclear
bomb production, taxes, and everything else you might think should mitigate the
market. With so much negativity you must
have thoughts of impending doom. I do.
Yet economic data are encouraging. People are
spending money like crazy. Housing starts are up 16%. The 10-year rate is strong. Unemployment is
down. The new NAFTA and China deals are set. So, what do we fear besides fear
itself? (Homage to FDR.) Maybe Dengue
fever? Well, scientists have genetically
modified mosquitos to fix that. Is all
this fear washed away? Not quite.
The national barometer of fiscal confidence is
the NYSE, the New York Stock Exchange. Here’s the latest assessment from that
group of money grubbers The greatest fear on the floor of the stock market
exchange is the fear of no bad news.
This is singularly remarkable, that of discussing
the fear of fear. So, what fear do you fear the most?
Maybe you fear the unknown, the unpredictable,
the mystery solution? More mundane, maybe you fear more Trump, the advent of Bernie, an invasion by the faithful of any persuasion. Maybe regulations. Maybe the homeless. Maybe crime.
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