When taking a family vacation...
Visiting a museum or ruin is an exciting adventure, full of
surprises, and photo ops – except when you get overdosed on so, soooo... much. I give at most four hours/day for quality fun.
Sometimes, in the heat
of jobs, kids, and growing up, we never really get to know our kids - except as
kids. An adult-style family vacation is
a fantastic eye-opener to review the results.
In your adventures, you may stumble, trip, or even
fall. Of course, that painful muscle or bruise is all in your mind - except where it
really hurts.
On vacations, shoot hundreds of pictures. The only penalty is
you have to look at them later.
Spare no expense when
taking breaks.
Remember, the memory plays tricks. You never quite know which of them will shine
in the sunset.
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