The Elephant and the Cabbage.
Did you know that farmers fields in Kenya are raided nightly
by elephants? The elephants eat the
crops and ruin what’s left. It also ruins the livelihood of the farmers. Solve
this problem.
Solution 1. Shoot the elephants? No. These pachyderms are protected.
Solution 2. Guard your fields at
night to scare off the raiders. No. This tires out the farmer, who then sleeps
by day, and not farming.
Solution 3. Build a high sturdy
wall around the field. A non starter.
Too, too, too expensive.
Factoid. It happens that elephants greatly fear the sound
of swarming honey bees, and run from it.
Solution 4. Place a ring of bee hives around the crop fields separated but connected
with trip wires to stir up the bees when breached by an elephant. It works!! Also, this gives the farmers another crop.
Lesson. When the tiniest of
things defeats the largest, this is something like a David and Goliath story.
Moral. To use intelligence
to solve the impossible, you need to know your “chickens.”
Have you noticed more and more home security devices are on
the market? From home cameras to detect thieves, to security lights with
cameras, to full security systems, devices are here in force. Is the reason
increased home crime? Or has the public lost trust in their police to protect
them from home crime? Or perhaps these
are merely the latest techie gadgets.
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