Political stupidity is suffered by all parties. It is disappointing the quality of political leaders has declined to such low levels. We have many leaders pursuing ideology, or money, or power, or all. At least they know what they want.
USA political plans
and results. The vector forward.
A. Goals.
Team A. Redistribution
of wealth.
Team B. Creation of
new wealth.
B. Action plans for Teams
A & B.
Spend more money than
you take in by borrowing.
C. Results for all.
Redistribution of not much and collective
Yes, we will all go
bankrupt together.
Our only hope is
that the ultra-rich Chinese, Arab, and
other foreign bankers, now owning about 30% of our debt, will not allow us to perish.
Yes, we are becoming too big to fail.
This could be. Even today, economists
are teaching this to our college students - precisely that the national debt
will never NEED to be paid off and is thus
not a worry.
Current debt. $22T or $22,000,000,000,000
Debt per taxpayer:
The percentage of
debt to GNP* is 105.4%.
Debt per person:
Median income per
person: $44,564**
Cost (2017) of
national debt: $474,000,000,000
* The GNP, Gross
National Product, is the value of all finished goods and services
produced in a country in one year by its nationals. We now owe more than
we produce.
** These numbers
depend on which agency reports them, the ages of folks included, the period measured, etc.
Found in my last
fortune cookie: “You will soon buy a fortune
cookie company. Good luck.”
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