Pig Latin, the language of the future?
A. First, you know Yahoo, Google, Facebook, etc, reads your
email and messages. Mostly looking for
advertising tips, but all is stored.
B. All kids learn Pig Latin in school. Not taught in classes, all pick it up with
ease. Just take a word such at “stuff” and
move the first letter to the end and add and “a.” So, “stuff” -> “tuffsa (pronounced “tuff-say”).
The sentence, “I want to go shopping” becomes “Ia antwa ota
oga hoppingsa.”
C. Big Question.
Suppose we all started, like today, using Pig Latin in our
messaging. How long will it be before the
big boys write a Pig Latin translator so they can once again read your
messages? One week? One month?
One year? That you made a guess
proves you believe they would do it.
Chinese Checkers – 2019 style
They are resisting, but why shouldn’t China open its markets
to the US and even Europe? They do make
very good quality stuff. And if so, will
not the Chinese still buy Chinese? Or does
the government fear the purchase of foreign goods because it’s exotic, or
because the great leader looks weak, or because it’s symbolic of governmental
defiance. Totalitarian governments exist in a murky world where they see everywhere
moves and counter moves cloaked in shadows of discontent. “Shall we move for or
shall we not?” asks leader Xi Jinping on fair trade. So goes the game.
Options: Sacrifice Huawei?
Sacrifice hacking? Sacrifice IP
seizure? Sacrifice nothing and hope for Trump’s opposition to prevail. This
means delay, delay, delay. But can Xi (i.e. me) survive delay? A slow game this
Checkers has become.
The Taliban must be heroes of their country. Why? Because they seem willing to kill every single
Afghan peasant to prove their system of government works. Impressive sacrifice,
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