Marbles is/was a sport
for kids, where competitors have small round glass beads which target others in
a shoot, sometimes within a circle, sometimes into a pot. (The modern sport of curling is not unlike this.)
But the marbles, being small, were easily lost, and thus as when lost, their
owner might look frantically for them.
Thus was born the expression “lost his marbles.”
I played marbles
way back then. It was a high pressure
game, to make an accurate shot when big stakes (your own property) were
involved. Big-time matches for a ten-year old, settled on an open field with strategies,
skills, spectators, and cheering.
In the 20th
century it became a general expression within the language, and was used in two
ways, to be angry or to be crazy. The
meaning has expanded, though it isn’t clear kids play marbles any more.
So, what are those
marbles that some people lose? It
usually refers to a sudden change in
one or more of the following?
- Social communication ability
- Rational problem solving skills
- Keeping a job
- Reasonable parenting
- Stable behavior 99% of the time
- Not given to unusual social positions
- Customary dress
- Normal desires
- Customary attitudes
- Not supporting civil violence
It is easy to lose
your marbles in the sense there are a dozen of ways to do it. In brief, deviate from the norms, and you’re
halfway there. Stories about people who have lost
their marbles are a popular theme in the movies.
What about other
qualities? In the next list, too many “normal” people deviate so much within
their spectrum of norms that changes are hardly noticed.
- Caring attitudes toward others
- Love of country
- Support of public leaders
- Vengeful behavior
- Greedy nature
- Gossip monger
- Deep hatreds or fears
Lots of examples
abound, not just with Shakespeare’s host of tyrants such as Lear, Richard III, Macbeth,
but also in the history of our personal worlds.
She called her
unplanned pregnancy a conceptual heir.
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