let Angela Merkel make natural gas deals with Russia, personified by Vladimir Putin.
Long term, it can only help the USA. If she can pull the EU toward
deals with Russia, then her own and the fundamental EU distrust of Russia can
and will likely grow. Poor Angela, with her big pinkish balloon of a globalist
world popped, must remain relevant.
Historically, Russia has always
had an imperial attitude toward every other country, but who cared. For the
West, they were too far east to matter; for the East they were too far
west. Sure, they were cozy with France more than a century ago,
mostly because the rich needed a cool place to shop. For a few decades in
the last century, they enjoyed the power to exert power, their only emotion.
Russia, in fact, does not know
how to be a friend; even their “friends” don’t like them and certainly don’t
trust them.
With a Russia-Germany gas deal
in place, the Russians, communist or imperialist, will eventually squeeze the
busy, mostly hard-working Germans. They just can’t help
it. You know, it’s in their DNA.
P.S. If you hear or see a
smiling Russian commissar knocking at your door, lock it tight and pretend not
to be at home.
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