Going under the hood of American students reveals a corpus of young people with different ideas than in years past.
Less educated than ever before and loving it,
freed from the shackles of critical understanding, flush with a new found power
over flaccid administrations, American students see the world through highly
personal and rather selfish viewpoints. Risk avoidance is favored, both
in action and in thought. Mostly, they want to feel good about
themselves, to make a difference, and to be allowed indifference to serious
study. They seem to live in a world of talking points, to need scripted talking
points for newer issues, and surely to follow the talking points of their often
anonymous leaders.
- Reason must be combined in equal measure with emotion.
- Truth is also what should be so or could be so.
- Feeling good is isomorphic to being good.
- Restricting speech of some clarifies and helps deeper understanding of the real truth.
- Having safe spaces is important in a hostile, unforgiving world.
- Shouting down and censoring enemies of the people is a good thing.
- Condemning people who profess the work of the people “is not who we are.”
- Police are tools of uncaring institutions serving only enslave those who are innocent and just.
Yes, these are talking points serving to underscore the depth of
American students.
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