An interesting point about our military leaders and those of any
responsible country is that they are scholars of war, conflict, weapons,
strategy and tactics. They all attend a
war college to learn their craft. Almost
all have read extensively on the subject.
Some are historians of their profession. Many are articulate
communicators about their operations, needs, equipment, troup strength, training,
and promotion practices. They are sincere professionals – whether you agree
with them or not.
Now contrast this with the typical politician, especially elected
officials. Few have studied
politics. Few understand much more than
pre-written talking points on any topic.
Few have any training on compromise and the other crafts of legislation.
Most leaders probably rely more on intuition and instinct than any form of
analysis. Putting your faith in politicians is therefore a risky belief.
Next contrast this with pundits and news commentators. Now we are dipping down yet another level
into worlds of the hypothetical combined with anonymous sources. Some
are good; some are stupid. All rely on your need for a particular feed. Too
depressing this is, to venture further.
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