Drone surveillance.
It is only a matter of one year or two
before drones are deployed as “eyes of the police” in troubled cities. This may be a very good thing. Drones
will have a regular “beat,” just like foot police used to. Each drone will patrol specific streets. Once programmed they will need no pilot in control back
at the station, just a monitor for activity. They
will create video records, identify perpetrators,
and probably indirectly reduce crime.
these little city-size drones need power.
What we will see in the months ahead are drone-charging stations, located
high above the city streets, on tops of buildings. Drones will navigate to them automatically, charge
up quickly, and be back on patrol. Sort
of like a coffee-donut break. Remarkably,
and this is only a guess, the charging stations will be called “nests.” Cheap and tireless, these drone-cops will become a backup for
beleaguered in situ officers.
carefully. The possibilities are endless. For example,
they could tag and “follow” suspects. They could employ the cellphone-type modality, with
one drone transfers to another as movement transfers laterally. At night,
they would be effectively invisible.
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