Electric cars. I like the idea, want to have one, and eventually will have one. Yet, there are questions any reasonable person will need answered.
What will
happen when millions of electric cars are on the road? We will enjoy what is called the statistics
of testing at scale. A few examples:
Exploding and failing batteries – at minimum causing traffic
At homes
On the freeway.
In public garages.
Fire issues
Demands on the electrical grid and charging availability –
charging these machines will enhance demand on possibly fragile electrical delivery
systems. If you’re out of juice, you can’t
just walk a few blocks to get a refill.
As well extant gas station will need to install expensive high amperage
wiring together with charging stations. Note the simplistic examples with the Samsung cell phone.
Demand for engine and system repair. Trained technicians will be needed en mass.
This is especially so, away from dealers or city centers.
Hacking of on board computer systems. Hacking problems are known,
but at scale they may become worse and far more difficult to repair.
Electrical field interactions.
Many electric cars functioning together will generate unanticipated
electrical field interactions.
Increased copper demand for motor windings. Costs go way up.
Etc heat problems caused by massive numbers electrical motors. Note. Discharge a battery at high amperage
and it gets real hot.
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