Trust is the currency between peoples. Destroy trust and you
destroy the world. Currently, trust is eroding everywhere, interpersonal,
interparty, intercountry, across the world. In the congress, in the press, in
the workplace.
Trust and love have
one common quality. Once lost, they are
near impossible to recover.
Summing up the Reps
and Dems. Problem at hand: Deciding the
color of the toilet paper in congressional restrooms. Solution Reps: Unable to compromise, adjourn
for vacation. Solution Dems: Unable to
consider or process request, await decision from leadership.
If you watch tennis
these days, you will see that every player seems to hit the ball harder than
ever, with more spin, and with more skill than ever before. Many come with an
entourage of personal coaches. But the
dress is what you first notice, particularly if you’re not a player. Many of the men dress as though they came to
mow the lawn, work on the car, or maybe sweep the court. They try, but style is not their game. Tennis
is. The women, always more attentive to
appearance dress far better, though not all.
Their dresses are now so short that if any shorter, they might not be
eligible to be called such. Tennis is
their game, as well.
The American and foreign press seems to wage in their resistance a witch hunt upon the President. Even some foreign leaders are included.
As we know, Germany’s Angela Merkel is not quite best friends with the President. In WH language, she may constitute her own front of resistance, sort of a Witch Hun of the East.
Memo to John Kelly
(Chief of Staff to POTUS) on TMT*: Keep the
President busy early in the morning, the presidential tweet time.
Example: Schedule cabinet meetings at 5am. All in good fun…
*Too Many Tweets
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