We do we have?
Airports and parks in disrepair
Bridges and dams crumbling
Roads needing upkeep
Schools not educating
Terrorists looming ever closer
Citizens hating one another
Medical care and fraud
Americans dependent on government support
Pollution and climate problems everywhere
Immigration policy
What do we talk about?
Access to bathrooms.
Rights to smoke marijuana
Tweets from everybody
Nazis, the ultimate insult made by and against everyone
Confederate statues being torn down
Airports and parks in disrepair
Bridges and dams crumbling
Roads needing upkeep
Schools not educating
Terrorists looming ever closer
Citizens hating one another
Medical care and fraud
Americans dependent on government support
Pollution and climate problems everywhere
Immigration policy
What do we talk about?
Access to bathrooms.
Rights to smoke marijuana
Tweets from everybody
Nazis, the ultimate insult made by and against everyone
Confederate statues being torn down
Let us suppose we get full bathroom access, we smoke what we
want, the end of tweets, the word "Nazi" is expunged, and all the statues are gone. Then what will we discuss? Maybe new forms of hate?
I have not a clue.
Thought for the day
"To not have what you don't want exceeds to have what you do want."
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