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Random Thoughts - 3

Fidget spinners (  You know, those little devices that spin when held between thumb and index finger. Their only function is to spin around.  They are suggested to relieve stress.  Fidget spinners apparently have a terrible reputation among teachers, who claim they distract students from learning.  Wow!  Students distracted from learning?  Let’s forget drugs, TV, social media, all simply minor annoyances. Germany is destroying 77,000 pounds (38 tons) of these horrible things, i.e. more than half a million of these devil's tools.*  Stomp out those fidget spinners and cure our educational problems!  

I recommend every member of congress be issued a fidget spinner This will give them all something useful to do, to relieve their obvious stresses, and to meet their native abilities. 

There is more.  These spinners teach them one basic physics lesson, that of angular momentum.**  So, fidget spinners are not only a stress-relieving tool, but they teach  basic science.  For many in our Congress, it would be a career complete.


** When your fidget spinner is spinning try to rotate your wrist.  Quite a different feeling from when it is at rest. Your wrist must work a  little harder to move the spinning fidget.  BTW, angular momentum is why we can ride bicycles successfully. 

North Korea
NOKO claims “sanctions unfair.”  As you know, the US has imposed some sanctions on Chinese banks working with North Korea.  Here's the response from NOKO.

Whoa, President Trump. Whoa, on those financial sanctions.
You gave us only a warning – then a briefing.Y
      You didn’t give us a final warning.
You didn’t give us an ultimate final warning. 
You didn’t give us an ultimate final warning where you count to 10.
You didn’t ever say “Cut it out.”
You didn’t ever say, “You’re grounded.”

   This is totally unfair. You are at fault! I am the victim here.  I’ll show you.
 Kim jong un


Illinois and Peurto Rico are broke.  Both are billions in debt with unfunded liabilities and with almost no chance of repayment.  PR, with debt of $120B, voted overwhelmingly to be annexed to the United States, becoming the 51st state.  Washington seems uninterested.  Illinois is about $251B in unfunded liabilities and more than $15B in ready unpaid bills with legal restrictions about declaring bankruptcy.  Wherever should be done?

Solution.  Let Illinois annex Puerto Rico.  It’s an new idea, that of one state annexing a territory.  This is breaking new ground, and possibly legal.  It would give them both leverage to extract federal money to bail them out. 


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