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Poor Nancy

It’s in the DNA of both political parties.  When the Republicans lost the Presidency in 2008 and 2012, they blamed the candidates.  These two, McCain and Romney, were blamed on all fronts for the debacles.  Reps learned their lesson, through Trump, who was off the charts of the same-old-styles.  He was different; he was new breath of hope for many.

The same brew-of-blame has been fermenting on the Democratic side, now for more than half a decade.  Lately, when Hillary lost, the blame was directed toward President Trump, not Democrats.  This persisted through months of various charges, particularly the Russian collusion investigations with no actual evidence.  Now after four straight loses to Republicans in special elections, the Democrats, true to their predilections, have turned blame upon their own Congressional leader Nancy Pelosi.  Many blame her for these loses. Her tenure is at risk. 

Poor Nancy.  She may be a bit ruthless, but lately was trying to do what was expected: lead the resistance.  At a recent news conference she was asked to justify herself.  Not a good sign. 

This is the nature of our times, to blame a person for unfortunate outcomes. It’s easy, and it suggests a solution, to wit, just get rid of that person and we’ll be back to normal.   Remember though, it was Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi who carried the water for President Obama.  They did his bidding and in process became true believers in negative rhetoric whilst travelling this low road.  They confused what should be true with what is actually true. Chuck Schumer escapes this time because he is new to his job.

Republicans, or many of them, also still blame Trump for their descent in party importance and influence.  Maybe more personal in motivation, but blame again.  

Blame, it is currently the name of the game, particularly when it delays or detracts from the remediation of more serious and far more fundamental problems.

Postscript.  Blame is not limited to Washington.  It is all around us.  Blame a person, a circumstance, the weather, or anything that might work.  Never take responsibility for shortcomings. Never.  Never.


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