Dear Mr. President,
Today I’m writing about health-care fraud. Fraud is a fact of every ultra-large
government program. Careful observers of such programs or systems note that
expertise develops on which requests will be approved and which do not. It is a simple conclusion for applicants to tailor
requests to fit the parameters of acceptance.
Fraud in Medicare and
related programs is acknowledged to be rampant, costing taxpayers multiple billions
each year. This requires increased budgets and decreased honest benefit
approvals. The acknowledged capitols of such fraud are Miami and NYC,
particularly for medical equipment. In
fact, I’ve read that organized crime is involved, with their view that such activities (fraud) are far safer
than traditional venues. The fraud here is that the equipment is never delivered. Even doctors are involved.
I recommend you declare a “War Against Fraud,” wherein you
franchise an undersecretary to Tom Price, Secretary of Health and Human
Services, to dedicate all efforts toward this end. Such a move has several advantages.
- Reduce fraud,
- Increase funds available for true medical needs,
- Bi-partisan support from all Americans.
Here is one simple example related to procedures. When the Federal
approvers are regionally based, it becomes the nature of the system that
certain persons will be approving (or
not) from the same specific regions. This invites fraud. It the approval process was nationally distributed, the “local” factor
is instantly diminished. The hidden
assumption here is a collusion of sorts – bordering on bribery. Indeed, many
forms of fraud are bribery-based.
Please consider. You
could appoint a Democrat to lead this campaign. You could save billions, and moreover, provide additional coverage for
millions from the savings.
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