In my
teens I worked many part time jobs. All
of us did. Nowadays, we see fewer teens
working such jobs, particularly in the summer.
To me this portends long term consequences. Why?
Because those part-time jobs were an inspiration. How?
They inspired me to study hard and find better employment as an
adult. They helped me grow up.
hit home hard decades ago, when as a college freshman I got work at
Allen-Bradley, a local electronics company in Milwaukee. Sitting next to me at a heat-press to make
resistors was the dad of one of my neighborhood friends. We made the same wage, about $2.70/hr*, a
fortune for me, a living wage for him. I
knew this made him uncomfortable, and me too. Here I was doing exactly the same thing on a
job that took only a few days to learn.
For me, it was study money; for him it was the last stop in personal advancement.
comes in diverse forms. Sometimes in life, inspiration comes from
discovering where you don’t want to be.
triple minimum wage at the time. I have always been grateful to Allen-Bradley for hiring hundreds of college students at a decent wage. It made college possible for many of us.
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