This is
a conspiracy theory about large-scale terrorist attacks. Beware of such theories as they are mostly plausibility
arguments gleaned from a sequence of events.
So, be suspicious and critical.
We do our theory by the numbers.
1. First of all, it seems the big terrorist
organizations such as ISIS can strike at will really wherever and whenever they
so choose. They have “soldiers” willing
to give their lives in the cause of terror. These are not occasional, random attacks, but
well planned logistically and technically.
They could strike somewhere in the world frequently, perhaps even weekly,
but do not. Why?
2. These
organizations also have a strong survival instinct. They know that weekly attacks will result in
the overwhelming response even from the most globalist of countries to strike
back, annihilating their bases, their funding, and their very organizations.
3. So,
they face an optimization problem, which is to survive while creating a
recurrent sense of fear. Probably no
one anywhere goes to a major event these days without thinking of the
possibility of a bombing. Almost all discount it because such are relatively
rare. This means some timing between
major terrorist events is necessary. Already, London is habituated to such by the
current Mayor’s comments that such events are now a part of our lives. Live with them is the admonition. What was
once unthinkable has become expected. You know, the new normal.
for the conspiracy part of this discussion.
Big events such as in Nice, Brussels, Manchester, London, Berlin, San
Bernardino and others must be timed and coordinated so as not to exceed a
frequency that will demand a serious response. This is it. The implication is terrorist’s attacks are
centrally organized and executed. The plan is to create sustained and growing fear
and continue to do so safely from their homes, claiming responsibility especially
when the perpetrators are killed. One desired result is to encourage the emergence
of leaders who sympathize with terrorist demands.
a four to twelve month differential between attacks. The next big one will likely come this fall,
but who knows where?
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