Timeline for James Comey. There are two emotional threads. Love and hate and then hate and love.
July 5, 2016. Comey condemns Clinton for mishandling
classified information. But then say we
will not indict. Dems love it.
Reps hate it.
October 28, 2016. Comey’s wait a minute moment. We reopen the investigation, found new emails
with classified info on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Oops. Reps love it. Dems hate it.
Interim. Both sides generally disdain Comey basically
because he seems beyond the control of
anyone. Reps hate Comey; Dems hate Comey.
Especially, Hillary hates Comey, blaming his “re-opening letter” as a primary cause for her loss.
May 9, 2017. Trump fires
Comey. Reps claim it was appropriate;
Dems also, probably. However, because Trump
did the deed, Dems hate it; Reps love it. Even the Nixonian metaphor has been
issued – within an hour of the termination letter! But it’s OK
since it was made by an aging Senator.
“Never let a crisis go to
waste,” Rahm Emmanuel advises us. On the one hand, “kill the king.” On the
other, “rule of law.”
It seems clear that both
sides are secretly delighted that Comey is gone. But is Hillary? This makes her situation tenuous, and
possibly available for another review.
One interesting thing
about Trump is that he may have a deeply considered plan, which allows bifurcated pathways to proceed. It gives the pundits on both sides endless
opportunities for conjecture. They love
it and hate it.
Truly, we are in the era
of post-truth, where emotion reigns over analysis and logic.
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