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Radical Islamic Attacks

Worldwide, since 2010, we've seen an increase of Radical Islamic terrorist attacks, including the number of attacks, deaths, and injuries.   In the table below we look at the top 20 countries or the 44 countries experiences such attacks.  (All info is available at

What is done here is merely some sorting and ranking.  As you can see, Iraq is atop all scales.  The other top countries are well known.  However, exceptions at the high end are France, China, and the USA. Indeed, the USA ranks very high world-side in all categories: count (9th), deaths (14th), and injuries (11th).  In light that six of the top nine countries are well established in terrorism against their own populations, this is remarkable.  It is no wonder that many in the USA are rather cautious or concerned about future terrorists events.

The number of attacks has grown over the recent years, with attacks prior to 2009 relatively small. Including the 2001 attack in New York where 2,996 lives were lost with 6000 injuries would re-scale all rankings considerably.

NOTE: Our use of injury numbers is the minimal offered. For example, injuries given as 300+ is reduced to 300.  In many cases, the actual number is higher - though not reliably reported.
Count Deaths Injuries Rank(count) Rank(deaths) Rank (injuries)
Totals 267 6596 14124
Iraq 43 1338 4839 1 1 1
Nigeria 30 978 1096 2 3 3
Pakistan 24 600 1859 3 4 2
Afghanistan 19 186 694 4 9 5
France 13 176 436 5 11 7
Somalia 10 183 200 6 10 14
China 9 141 428 7 5 6
Egypt 9 332 437 8 12 8
United States 9 89 311 9 14 11
India 8 87 271 10 15 13
Yemen 7 246 382 11 7 10
Russia 6 124 428 12 6 4
Turkey 6 247 989 13 13 9
Bangladesh 5 31 0 14 26 18
Cameroon 5 65 62 15 29 21
Germany 5 17 79 16 18 24
Israel 5 14 28 17 30 30
Libya 5 26 147 18 23 37
Syria 4 1006 134 19 2 19
Australia 3 8 6 20 8 16


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