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New Year's

New Years. The new year’s phenomenon is grand for mankind.  It signals the next act of the great play where each of us has a starring role. It gives us hope that for the next period of our life there may be a change for the better or a continuation of what’s good.  Such events are important as they represent something like a demarcation toward renewal or perhaps a change of course. It is a way of putting behind us old business.  This is the value of periodic events – the advent of a new starting point or the end of what was. The birthday is a similar marker. A new beginning, a benediction, a salutation, and a closure all are included.  We celebrate our own rebirth, the new day, and most important a new hope.

Imagine your life where no time-markers exist.  No separation, no chapters, no restart, no renewal, and no rebirth seem possible.  The Star Trek clock of Star-Date 123.45 implies such a world with no epochs.  It implies a flat, linear world signifying constancy and a continuum of changelessness.

I love new years, birthdays, anniversaries, and the like.  They give much, comfort, hope, and the desire for more and better.  They demand a period of reflection on the past, of evaluation, and of consideration of all that’s transpired – if only briefly.

Happy New Year


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