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Showing posts from December, 2016

New Year's

New Years . The new year’s phenomenon is grand for mankind.   It signals the next act of the great play where each of us has a starring role. It gives us hope that for the next period of our life there may be a change for the better or a continuation of what’s good.   Such events are important as they represent something like a demarcation toward renewal or perhaps a change of course. It is a way of putting behind us old business.   This is the value of periodic events – the advent of a new starting point or the end of what was. The birthday is a similar marker. A new beginning, a benediction, a salutation, and a closure all are included.   We celebrate our own rebirth, the new day, and most important a new hope. Imagine your life where no time-markers exist.   No separation, no chapters, no restart, no renewal, and no rebirth seem possible.   The Star Trek clock of Star-Date 123.45 implies such a world with no epochs.   It implies a flat, linear world signifying constan

Thoughts XXX - Twitter, goals, surely

Between Clinton, de Blasio, and Trump, we have a new meaning for what happens on the Tweets of New York. :) My goodness, twitter-izing seems to be a new form of open warfare.   Have you been twitter-ized yet?  _________________ There are approximately 4.5 characters/word in the English language.   So how many Tweets would it take to broadcast some of our greatest literature and other documents? Note a Tweet is 140 characters, max.   Here’s a brief list. Spaces are not counted. Author Title Words Characters Number of Tweets US Congress ObamaCare (ACA) 11,588,500 52,148,250 372,488 King James Version Bible 783,137 3,524,117 25,172 Leo Tolstoy War and Peace 587,000 2,641,500 18,868 Margaret Mitchell Gone with the Wind 418,053 1,881,239 13,437 J.K. Rowling Harry Potter Goblet of Fire 190,637 857,867 6,128 Muhammad Qur'an 77,44